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IMU Biomedical Science Students Publish on Importance of Understanding the Dynamics of COVID-19

05 Nov 2020

Understanding the Dynamics of COVID-19: Implications for Therapeutic Intervention, Vaccine Development and Movement Control – An article with this ambitious title has recently been published by four of the IMU  BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science students, HZ, Tan, WJ Thang, HC Ter and MS Wan, under the supervision and guidance of Dr Shamala Salvamani and Prof Anthony Rhodes, from the IMU School of Health Sciences. It exemplifies the School of Health Sciences’ strategy in guiding students in the exploration of recent events in the field of health sciences and then publishing their findings in leading journals.

The students and their supervisors (L-R): Dr Shamala Salvamani, Tan HZ, Thang WJ, Ter HC, Wan MS, Prof Anthony Rhodes

The article appears in the British Journal of Biomedical Science and catalogues the discovery of the SARS-CO-V2 virus, its lineage, molecular structure, to include recent mutated strains, and the clinical and pathological features of COVID1-19. This comprehensive article goes on to explore the epidemiology of COVID-19, to include the prevalence of infection, the longevity of the immune response and the presence of existing innate immunity that may be present within the community, due to exposure to other coronaviruses. The effects of government introduced stringency measures and the race to develop effective neutralizing antibody interventions and vaccines are all reviewed. The authors conclude by assessing the implications for therapeutic intervention (to include vaccine development), and movement control. The article was written in early September and is still very relevant; an achievement in itself considering the rapidly changing landscape of COVID-19.

Written by Prof Anthony Rhodes, School of Health Sciences, IMU

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